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Equipment and Software Protocols

Unmanned Aerial Drone Operations

Our research used unmanned aerial drone operations for surveying. A full writeup of our protocols and lessons learned is available for our field session in Fort Davis, Texas in March, 2023.

A more generalized set of protocols for this work will be published in this section soon.

Hand-held LiDAR data acquisition using Geoslam

Our research uses a hand-held GeoSLAM to collect ground level LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data. A full writeup of our protocols and lessons learned is available for our field session in Fort Davis, Texas in March, 2023.

A more generalized set of protocols for this work will be published in this section soon.

Spatial Surveying / Interview data

Spatial interview data is collected using custom survey templates produced with ArcGIS Survey123 software. Visit the Spatial Surveys page for instructions on standing up a research survey on REDI systems.